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TASA Committees

The power of TASA is in its members. The association depends on an active network of engaged members to serve on committees that guide TASA’s work in the areas of professional learning, advocacy, and member engagement. Policy/advisory and procedural committee appointments are made by the TASA president with recommendations from Executive Committee members and the executive director. Members interested in serving on TASA committees should contact TASA Executive Director Kevin Brown.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is TASA’s primary decision-making body.

Legislative Committee

Members of the TASA Legislative Committee develop TASA’s legislative program and advise the Executive Committee and staff on the direction the association should take regarding legislative and state policy issues. They present periodic reports on legislative issues at regional study group meetings. Members serve two-year terms appointed on June 1 following each legislative session.

Study Group Chairs

Regional Study Group/Membership Chairs are elected annually within the ESC region they represent. They encourage membership in TASA and share information on TASA programs and services to administrators in their regions. The format of study group meetings, which are held to conduct association business, hold regional elections as needed, and to discuss relevant issues confronting the profession, varies from region to region.

Major Committees

TASA’s Major Committees are aligned with our association’s three major strategic areas.

Advocacy Committee

Members of the TASA Advocacy Committee develop recommendations for the Executive Committee and staff designed to empower the TASA membership to advocate for the needs of Texas public education—whether specific or general—with a unified voice, including effective strategies for communicating with TASA members, elected officials, the media, and the public. Members serve two-year, staggered terms.

Member Engagement Committee

Members of the TASA Member Engagement Committee evaluate ongoing TASA services and develop recommendations for the Executive Committee and staff regarding the fostering, development, and strengthening of TASA services and networks to deeply engage members and develop a culture of transformation. Members serve two-year, staggered terms. 

Professional Learning Committee

Members of the TASA Professional Learning Committee develop recommendations for the Executive Committee and staff regarding a cohesive professional learning and leadership development program for superintendents, members, and other administrators that is aligned with school transformation and member interests, as well as recommendations related to the association’s training and mentoring programs, seminars, academies, conferences, and related topics. Members serve two-year, staggered terms.

Awards Committees

Several TASA committees are charged with reviewing the nominations for TASA awards programs.

Golden Deeds Award Committee

Members of the Golden Deeds Award Committee review nominations for the Golden Deeds Award, presented annually by TASA and the Texas A&M University Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development to an individual from any profession who has consistently supported Texas students and teachers through his/her positive impact on public education. Committee members are appointed annually by the TASA president and serve one-year terms. 

Johnny L. Veselka Scholarship Committee

Members of the Johnny L. Veselka Scholarship Committee review nominations for the Johnny L. Veselka Scholarship, established in 2013-14 to honor and provide financial assistance to outstanding doctoral students pursuing careers in educational leadership, with particular emphasis on the superintendency. The scholarship recognizes the leadership of TASA Executive Director Emeritus Johnny L. Veselka, who retired as TASA executive director in 2018 after serving the association for nearly 44 years. Members are appointed annually by the TASA president and serve one-year terms. 

School Board Awards Committee

Members of the TASA School Board Awards Committee review nominations for TASA’s school board awards and select the Honor Boards and Outstanding School Board. They are appointed annually by the TASA president and serve one-year terms. The chair is the superintendent of the year prior’s Outstanding School Board.

TASA Commissioner's Cabinet

The TASA Commissioner’s Cabinet is a special committee for which members are elected in each region to meet periodically to consult with the commissioner of education. At-large members are appointed by TASA with approval of the commissioner. Members serve one-year terms.

Editorial Advisory Committee

The TASA Editorial Advisory Committee is composed of the chairs of TASA’s major committees and Higher Education Committee. It is chaired by the TASA vice president. Committee members provide input to the TASA staff regarding the scope and content of the association’s journal, INSIGHT.

Higher Education Committee

Members of the TASA Higher Education Committee represent institutions that offer approved superintendent preparation programs. They develop recommendations for the Executive Committee and staff on areas of study, projects, and programs that should be considered by the association. Members are appointed annually by the TASA president. According to the TASA bylaws, three of the committee members must be officers of the Texas Professors of Educational Administration. 

TASB Legal Assistance Fund Board of Trustees

The is a special committee composed of the TASA president and president-elect, who serve one-year terms.

Texas Leadership Center Board

The Texas Leadership Center Board manages the activities of the Center and makes recommendations to the TASA Executive Committee about the initiatives and programs of the Texas Leadership Center.
