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Study Group Chairs

Regional Study Group/Membership Chairs are elected annually within the ESC region they represent. They encourage membership in TASA and share information on TASA programs and services to administrators in their region. The format of study group meetings, which are held to conduct association business, hold regional elections as needed, and to discuss relevant issues confronting the profession, varies from region to region. See a list of all TASA committees.


2024-25 TASA Study Group Chairs

MarioSalinasSuperintendentEdinburg CISD1
ReneeFairchildSuperintendentMoulton ISD3
RandalO'BrienSuperintendentGoose Creek CISD4
DwaineAugustineSuperintendentHamshire-Fannett ISD5
ScottSheppardSuperintendentHuntsville ISD6
JasonMarshallSuperintendentPalestine ISD7
DustinCarrSuperintendentSulphur Bluff ISD8
CaseyAdamsSuperintendentWoodson ISD9
MattKimballSuperintendentSunnyvale ISD10
KimberleyCantuSuperintendentMansfield ISD11
MichaelNovotnySuperintendentSalado ISD12
BryanAllenSuperintendentClyde ISD14
DaveLewisSuperintendentCrane ISD15
JeffByrdSuperintendentDalhart ISD16
KyleLynchSuperintendentSeminole ISD17
JayMcWilliamsSuperintendentBig Spring ISD18
CarlosContrerasSuperintendentDell City ISD19
EduardoHernandezSuperintendentEdgewood ISD (ESC 20)20