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2024-25 Budget Cohort for Texas District Leaders – November Event (Webinar)


The 2024-25 Budget Cohort for Texas District Leaders is a series of nine events to be held throughout the school year. It is designed to allow your district to better utilize its finance and business functions to support and enhance other areas, including curriculum and instruction, human resources, and special programs, so your superintendent, chief […]

2024-25 Budget Cohort for Texas District Leaders – December Event (Webinar)


The 2024-25 Budget Cohort for Texas District Leaders is a series of nine events to be held throughout the school year. It is designed to allow your district to better utilize its finance and business functions to support and enhance other areas, including curriculum and instruction, human resources, and special programs, so your superintendent, chief financial officer, chief curriculum officer, and human resources officers should attend together. Up to three team members are included in the registration fee! All training will be led by subject matter experts identified by TASA, TASB, and TASBO and will follow this schedule of topics. […]