TEA has updated the FAQ document on HB 4545. View the updated FAQs.
Two Questions Added to the TEA HB 4545 FAQs:
20. How should districts track accelerated instruction for students who transfer to another Texas school district?
It is recommended that school districts calculate the hours of completion towards accelerated instruction so students do not repeat designated hours at the receiving Texas school district. The documentation may be attached to the student’s record in TREx in one of the following formats: PDF, MS Word, or MS Excel. TEA has created a template that can be found here: Accelerated Learning Resources | Texas Education Agency
75. What is the recourse for a parent who disagrees with the ARD committee’s determination regarding accelerated instruction?
If a parent does not agree with a decision of the ARD committee acting as the accelerated learning committee, the parent should follow the grievance policy provided for in TEC, §28.0211(f-3). A parent may use an IDEA dispute resolution mechanism to resolve any dispute arising under IDEA.