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2019 Texas Assessment Conference

Austin Convention Center 500 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX, United States

Now in its 34th year, the Texas Assessment Conference remains the only statewide conference dedicated to providing the latest information on assessment, testing, and accountability in education — elementary, secondary, and post-secondary. Attendees receive the latest information from state agencies and policymakers, and share the best implementation practices in schools, districts, colleges, and universities. Learn […]

Academy for Transformational Leadership, Session 2 of 4

Hammerlun Center for Leadership and Learning 507 East University Ave., Georgetown, TX, United States

TASA’s year-long, four-part Academy for Transformational Leadership is designed for school leaders who are passionate about the transformation of public education in Texas. If you are a campus or district leader devoted to nurturing joyous student learning, creating inspiring workplaces for teachers and all staff, and envisioning school districts that are less like factories and […]

Academy for Transformational Leadership, Session 3 of 4

Hammerlun Center for Leadership and Learning 507 East University Ave., Georgetown, TX, United States

TASA’s year-long, four-part Academy for Transformational Leadership is designed for school leaders who are passionate about the transformation of public education in Texas. If you are a campus or district leader devoted to nurturing joyous student learning, creating inspiring workplaces for teachers and all staff, and envisioning school districts that are less like factories and […]

Leadership Wellness for Superintendents Preconference Session

TX, United States

TASA is pleased to offer “Leadership Wellness for Superintendents,” a TASA Midwinter Conference preconference session focused on professional ethics as well as personal and financial wellness. In addition to two presentations on ethics — one from the teacher perspective and one from the system perspective — that will discuss developing an ethical decision-making framework, the […]

2019-20 Accountability Forum Seminar

Austin Convention Center 500 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX, United States

Subscribers of TASA's Accountability Forum may attend seminar, which will be offered immediately following the 2020 TASA Midwinter Conference at the Austin Convention Center. Invited speakers will provide valuable information related to the Texas public school accountability system to participants, who will receive helpful resources and materials to take home, and have opportunities to network […]