The 88th legislative session ends Monday, and as noted in this TASA Capitol Watch Alert, CSHB 100, as amended by the Senate, includes a voucher/ESA provision and only a meager increase to the Basic Allotment at a time when the state has an unprecedented surplus of funds.
We anticipate that Chairman Ken King, the bill’s author, will not concur with the Senate amendments to CSHB 100 and request that the bill go to conference committee, where lawmakers from both chambers will try to hash out differences between the House and Senate versions.
What Action to Take
Look up who represents you in the Texas House and find their contact info. Then contact your House representative ASAP! Urge them to NOT accept the Senate’s amendments to HB 100 and ask any appointed conference committee conferees to NOT accept provisions that include:
- any form of voucher/ESA
- any insubstantial increase to the Basic Allotment (an increase of at least $900 per student is needed just to keep up with inflation)
- free student transfers across district boundaries
- prohibition of any school districts from operating four-day school weeks
- removal of SBOE authority over SBEC decisions (removal of checks and balances)
CSHB 100 could be considered on the House floor Friday or this weekend. Please contact your House member today!