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The Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Sen. Joan Huffman, convened on Monday, February 10, to discuss Article III of the state budget, which includes public education funding. TASA’s deputy director of governmental relations, Amy Beneski, submitted written testimony to the committee on behalf of the organization.

Commissioner of Education Mike Morath’s invited testimony during the hearing covered many key topics, including:

Funding Increases

Morath highlighted a $10 billion increase in state funding for public education from the 2022-2023 biennium to the current biennium. He said that this increase is partly due to per-pupil budget increases and a shift from property taxes to state revenues.

Special Education Funding

Morath discussed the need for a shift to a service intensity-based formula for special education funding, as recommended by the Special Education Commission. He explained that this shift aims to better match funding with the actual costs of services required by students.

Teacher Compensation

Morath emphasized the importance of strategic teacher compensation, noting that the current flat compensation system leads to high turnover. Morath suggested that compensation should be structured to provide raises that reflect teachers’ experience and effectiveness.

School Safety and Infrastructure

Morath’s testimony on school safety focused on several key aspects.

  • Increased Funding: He highlighted the doubling of the school safety allotment to $200 million, an increase that is essential for enhancing both physical and psychological safety in schools.
  • Staffing Challenges: Morath pointed out the difficulties in staffing for school safety, particularly the high costs and limited availability of sworn officers. Some districts have adopted a tiered staffing model to address these challenges.
  • Mental Health Support: Morath advocated for a mental health safety allotment, emphasizing the importance of dedicated funding for mental health services, as previously only a small portion of safety funds were allocated to psychological safety.

Morath shared this slide deck with the committee.

The archive of the seven-hour hearing is also available for viewing.