Oct 31, 2023 | 2023 Special Sessions on Vouchers, Capitol Watch
On October 31, Gov. Greg Abbott announced that he had issued a proclamation expanding the Special Session #3 agenda for universal school choice to include additional school finance, such as teacher pay raises, school safety, and special education. According to the...
Oct 22, 2023 | 2023 Special Sessions on Vouchers, Capitol Watch, School Finance, Teacher Compensation, Vouchers & School Choice
Late in the day Thursday, October 19, House Public Education Committee Chair Brad Buckley filed HB 1. The 184-page bill covers myriad topics, including an education savings account (ESA) voucher program. A hearing on HB 1 has not been scheduled because all the other...
Oct 11, 2023 | 2023 Special Sessions on Vouchers, Capitol Watch, School Finance, Vouchers & School Choice
The Senate gaveled in briefly October 10 for day two of the Third Called Special Session before Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced that the Senate would stand at ease until Thursday, October 12. The Senate Education Committee then met and heard hours of testimony on SB 1,...
Oct 10, 2023 | 2023 Special Sessions on Vouchers, Capitol Watch, School Finance, Vouchers & School Choice
SB 1 by Sen. Brandon Creighton was filed Monday evening. The $500 million program would be funded out of General Revenue and administered through the Comptroller’s office. Other provisions of the voucher bill include: $8,000 per eligible student annually to pay for...
Oct 10, 2023 | 2023 Special Sessions on Vouchers, Capitol Watch, School Finance, School Safety, Teacher Compensation
On Monday, October 9, Sen. Brandon Creighton, chair of the Senate Education Committee, filed SB 2, which includes the following: Provides for a one-time Teacher Retention Payment for this school year that will be considered a bonus payment and extended after this...