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Engagement is One Way We Can Protect Our Democracy


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Hands down. While I like all of the holidays, there is just something special about Thanksgiving. Maybe that is thanks to my mother. One of the many lessons she taught me was gratitude. No, she never sat me down and said, “Kevin,...
Engagement is One Way We Can Protect Our Democracy

The First and Second Times I Voted

The first time I voted, I skipped down the ballot and voted for one person: my father, who was running for city council. He was unopposed, but it felt good because he is a great man and, well, he is my dad. Along with my father, many of our close family friends were...
Engagement is One Way We Can Protect Our Democracy

A Time to Lead

Several years ago, during the recognition of TASA Honorary Life members, a superintendent was walking across the stage when Commissioner of Education Robert Scott stepped to the microphone. He said, “You know, you have been superintendent of the same school district...