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Smalls Schools Network Event – February

Small Texas school districts share their own special set of challenges. TASA’s Small Schools Network provides support — through customized professional development and networking events — to districts with fewer than 1,300 students. 2024-25 Event Schedule In-Person...

Smalls Schools Network Event – January

Small Texas school districts share their own special set of challenges. TASA’s Small Schools Network provides support — through customized professional development and networking events — to districts with fewer than 1,300 students. 2024-25 Event Schedule In-Person...

Smalls Schools Network Event – November

Small Texas school districts share their own special set of challenges. TASA’s Small Schools Network provides support — through customized professional development and networking events — to districts with fewer than 1,300 students. 2024-25 Event Schedule In-Person...

Smalls Schools Network Event – March

Small Texas school districts share their own special set of challenges. TASA’s Small Schools Network provides support — through customized professional development and networking events — to districts with fewer than 1,300 students. 2024-25 Event Schedule In-Person...