TASA Website Advertisement – $500 per month
Your clickable ad will run in the right sidebar on all Association News and Capitol Watch Alert posts as well as a number of other informational pages on TASA’s website at tasanet.org. You request your month(s). Limited to four partners per month RETURN TO...
TASA Career Center – $500 per month
Sponsorship includes your clickable logo/ad for one month (you choose the month!) on the TASA Career Center homepage, the most popular page on the TASA website, getting 30,000 visitors per month during hiring season. School leaders visit TASA’s popular Career...
Ad in TASA INSIGHT Journal – $1,500 (full page), $1,000 (half page)
TASA’s INSIGHT professional journal is exclusively online, easily accessible and readable. A link to each issue is emailed to all TASA members quarterly (and linked to from the popular TASA Daily e-newsletter, which has a readership beyond the membership). Your ad can...